Elevating Your Love Life Force Energy - February 2024

Elevating Your Love Life Force Energy - February 2024

Regular price $75.00 $27.00 Sale

Originally recorded February 28, 2024.

This call's theme is focused on LOVE and ELEVATING the life force energy between your relationships with partners, people, pets and the planet. We asked for submissions in 3 different categories and compiled them into over 70 powerful clearings. The sections were divided into: Removing Blocks & Elevating Love Life Force Energy for Self, for Partners & People, and for Animals/Pets and the Planet.

And know too that I bring in additional pieces from Spirit in the moment of reading each item that really expand and amplifies things in a much deeper way.  The video replay link is available now, it's just as powerful as having been listening live. 

This is a 30-minute large video file (Audio only MP3 file available by request)

Section 1) For Self: Removing Blocks & Elevating Love Life Force Energy

  1. prayers to release all blocks & weakness throughout all lifetimes related to love and worthiness of love
  2. prayers for me to stay fully in my heart space and live in my child-like wonder
  3. asking for prayers to have a more solid connection with infinite love, Higher Self and Source
  4. to release all blocks & weakness to receiving unconditional love from my mother and that she replaces judgment with acceptance 
  5. I ask for guidance to know how to live in a heart-focused, harmonious space in the presence of those who are not
  6. prayers that I will always feel filled with love from Spirit and self, no matter what lack of love I perceive externally
  7. please release all negative blocks and weakness that exist between me and my ​___(partner/spouse/parent/child) at this time
  8. remove all negative energies that remain attached to past loves interfering with my current relationship or search for one
  9. I am asking to experience a real, deep, heart-felt love with the ideal romantic life partner that comes to me now with grace and ease
  10. I pray that my Twin Flame and I unite to fulfill our journey and Divine Mission in this lifetime
  11. prayers to heal my heart and remove any blocks or negative weakness for meeting my soul mate here and now
  12. remove blocks and weakness and bring in love and life force energy into my body to heal all physical body imbalances - replacing it with health and well-being. 
  13. praying for harmony and love to be rekindled with my spouse so our lives bloom with tenderness and success with peace at home.
  14. prayers to strengthen my life force energy and become more in allowance of giving, receiving and recognizing love from a whole and loving heart
  15. please show me and tell me how to unconditionally love and accept myself and treat myself with loving actions and thoughts
  16. please release all blocks and weakness to me enjoying an equal and harmonious relationship with my partner 
  17. please show me and tell me how to trust the universe with more ease and to let go and surrender so I can give and receive with an open heart
  18. please release any negative blocks or weakness between my spouse and I to happily sharing the same goals and desires in our life together
  19. please show me and tell me how to connect with my ideal life partner in a fun way beyond my wildest dreams
  20. asking for prayers for myself to have an amazing spiritual, life-changing breakthrough this year
  21. please pray for someone to come into my life in a miraculous and unexpected way who loves me for who I am, and we share our feelings with true acceptance
  22. That I continue to love myself more and more, and feel more and more worthy to receive love from others.
  23. May I receive the gift of truly loving myself and experiencing causeless, limitless joy! 
Section 2) For Partners & People: Removing Blocks & Elevating Love Life Force Energy
  1. to remove any blocks or weakness to having harmony and ease between myself and my entire household of pets
  2. to increase the level of harmony between all of my many pets so they get along better and love and care for each other 
  3. prayers for my parents to re-discover heart-felt love and a lasting companionship
  4. For me to heal any rifts that exist between me and any loved ones - known or unknown, named or unnamed
  5. that my family members repair the separation that exists between them and they come from love & grow closer
  6. prayers for all the "hurt people who hurt people" to heal their hearts and cultivate self-love and feel at peace
  7. for my sons/daughters to find a wonderful person to date and possibly move in together or get married
  8. For my friends and family who are need of a love miracle to have it show up for them easy, breezy and fun. 
  9. That my autistic child finds their way to keep their heart open and discern from those who would take advantage of them
  10. that all will discover the perfect friend circles around them that love and support them
  11. for my sister to know her self-worth and feel appreciated, loved and supported
  12.  that my loved one release the feeling of unworthiness in relation to love, and that they let go the mindset that they have to be perfect first.
  13. to remove any blocks and strengthen the harmony and joy in all of my relationships now and in the future
  14. Bring in love and life force energy to our families and ancestors to heal our lineage and DNA
  15. prayers for those who feel unloved, lost or alone, that good people come to their aid. 
  16. sending love to all who have been hurt and traumatized by the loss of love from death, divorce or separation etc...
  17. I pray all parents break any cycle of abuse they have been subjected to and heal generational trauma and lead their lives with love
  18. for all the children that are mistreated by adults to be free from oppression and feel the joy of love and have heart opening experiences
  19. I ask that every person's heart that I have ever hurt, intentionally or unintentionally, to be able to heal completely and remain open to love
  20. that my parents find peace of mind, renewed love and joy after the changes in their lives
  21. that my brother and his wife rediscover the essence of love that brought them together
  22. for my daughter to choose to feel the love and not negativity between us and that any blocks and weaknesses are removed
  23. for all listening to heal from stress or burnout and to learn to put yourself first - to strengthen love and life force energy going forward
  24. prayers for all to receive love and appreciation from their significant others in their ideal love language
  25. for my partner to open up to a deepening spiritual path and choose to look into healing and expanding so our relationship can evolve
  26. to continue to deepen and expand the love connection with my partner and continually express our love for each other in meaningful ways
  27.  Please ask Spirit to open my children's hearts to immense self-love and nurturing, to break all contracts of negativity and all beliefs that do not serve them. 
  28. I ask for and abundance of Love, health and happiness for our loved ones and for them to be conscious in every moment to receive the gifts of the present.
  29.  I wish for all friends who are dating and looking for love to find their someone who fills their heart and warms their soul 
  30. May all be blessed with relationships that are meaningful, authentic, mutually respectful, fun and loving - here and now

Section 3) Animals/Pets & for the Planet: Removing Blocks & Elevating Love Life Force Energy

  1. Remove all negativity and weakness that prevents humans from treating their pets with love and kindness
  2. continuous prayers of safety for all abandoned, unwanted or stray pets & prayers to find their forever loving homes with people/families that adore and cherish them
  3. prayers to strengthen the tremendous loving bond that exists between caring people and their pets & let it radiate out and permeate everyone's heart worldwide!
  4. Prayers for all oppressed or abused animals to be liberated and free and blessed to be surrounded by a loving family.
  5. I ask for all animals who act out aggressively as a result of mistreatments to be released from any of these issues and be shown much love and have a peaceful life
  6. Prayers for those who harm the animals of our planet in any way to have a sudden, miraculous shift of conscience.
  7. remove all negative blocks and weakness preventing us from choosing to love, honor and respect all life on planet earth
  8. For each of us individually to have greater reverence for honoring the plant and animal kingdom on every level
  9. For all the planet's kingdoms to be showered with love and appreciation for the gifts that they bring to us
  10. bring in prayers for a collective ethical / moral ascension to occur that heals and protects Mother Earth here and now
  11. For Humanity to come back to the realization of how precious and sacred everything is here on Mother Earth
  12.  I pray that humanity will reconnect with the planet symbiotically and remove power from those needlessly destroying Mother Earth for profit.
  13.  prayers for a sudden consciousness shift and purging of our global leaders that will usher in a Divine conscious relationship regarding stewardship of the planet.
  14. Prayers for safety and protection for all humans and animals that are affected by the extreme weather, natural disasters caused by climate change and pole shifts etc
  15. For our humanity to evolve their collective consciousness and have the wisdom to work toward restoring the planet to balance and harmony
  16. I wish for all living beings to be reminded of the unconditional love of Spirit/God/Source when they see trees, flowers, oceans, mountains and all aspects and beauty of nature.
  17.  That our gorgeous planet and her creatures flourish in the current expansion and growth that mankind is experiencing in this new age 
  18.  I ask for the vibration and frequency of Earth and all beings and lands to rise exponentially and for Gaia to be healed and thriving.
  19. That we all experience and nurture the real loving connection that exists between us and Mother Earth and that we cherish her and the many blessings she gives
  20. For everyone to come together knowing that each person can assist with restoring health and vitality to our beloved Mother Earth.  Dust off your superhero cape and get creative!