[SALES AND SUCCESS] MyBeliefworks for Optimizing Success in Sales MP3/PDF

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*This is the most popular, best-selling audio in the series with more than a dozen people writing in their success stories in the first week of listening to the audio! 

This Audio MP3 is all about easing and optimizing the buying and selling transactions of any product or service. Most people have either sold a car or house or made some big purchase, and many have service careers & businesses or make a living selling products or real estate, some may even have a financial or legal case pending. Listening to this audio MP3 is going create a powerful energetic boost for getting you top dollar, sales wins, and positive transactional outcomes in your life!

Sample clearings:

"My buying and selling patterns are in tune with the energy of the universe and the ideal methods will better my transactional experience now."

"The ideal people, places, things and situations show up when I least expect them, and the right combination of buying and selling processes are created to invite the best possible outcomes here and now."

"All of my worry, upsets, and feelings of having overthought or forgotten something are released now and I enjoy successful outcomes."

"I will succeed in all my buying and selling transactions. It is safe and comfortable for me to breeze through, from initiation to completion, knowing that all will end in my favor."

"I release nervous habitual buying and selling practices that trigger self-sabotage. As I hear this now, I am releasing negative transactional patterns and they are released now."

Includes over 30 mins of audio with over 120 clearings

1 MP3 audio with 1 PDF transcript

Here are some of the numerous success stories received so far...

"I've listened to your newest MP3-several times. He came, he saw, he bought! It wasn't just getting rid of the car it closed another chapter in my horrible relationship with my husband. Looking forward to my next challenge....." -TAL, Florida

"The latest MyBeliefworks audio, Transactional Space, clears the noise from the space of simple and complex transactions. I know that my own negative thoughts interfere with the timing and effectiveness of my desired outcomes. This audio helps to clear the negative weaknesses in the space to allow for the best possible outcomes. As with all of the Belief Works audios, they can be used for every life situation and I am always surprised by the unexpected favorable outcomes. Love you! Thanks for always sharing your labors of love with me!" - P.T. / Georgia

"This audio was amazing! I listened to it at work and truly put out what I wanted to increase and since that day we have been tremendously busier!! Even the corporate office noticed!! On top of that, 3 days later I had a self-realization on how to handle some inner issues and face them! This particular audio helped me not only within my business, but my inner demons that I didn't know how to face as well." - D.M. / Florida

"OMG - when I received your audio on "Optimizing Transactional Space" it was a huge blessing. I have been in sales for over 20 years and very successful but a CLOSER. The thought of picking up the phone to make a cold call stops me in my tracks. Last night I did the audio, faced North, and my body got extremely hot and went from No to Yes - Yes to No and cleared ever so quickly. I then had a phone conversation with my sister in Chicago and this huge ahhhaaa moment happened that the FEAR OF REJECTION came from my childhood issues with DAD. So I told my sister that I was going to phone all day. I got up early and played the audio again. I still had some limiting beliefs that had to clear but it was more YES than NO so a lot of it stuck. Well I am here to tell you that it is now 3pm and have been phoning since 11am with much success. I was calm and sold from my heart and sent follow up emails and now working on closing a few sales. OMG I cannot tell you how happy I am and will do the audio every morning so I know my best foot is going forward. I adore you and your work. Look forward to the next recording!
- J.P./ Tampa, Florida

"As a small business owner, buying and selling is an everyday part of my life, so this download was right on the money for me. Pun intended! With the holidays coming, it’s doubly valuable. We all need as much help as we can get in this hectic, fast-paced world and I’ve found that Jimmy’s downloads have a ‘tipping point’ effect on anything I’ve been wondering about or struggling with. If you’re debating whether this download can help you, doubt no more. You’ll definitely be glad you listened to it!"
- B.B./ California

"Well, I never had time to listen to the MP3 a second time, because the day after I originally listened, I got a call from a past client that was growing his family and wanted to see some some homes and also put his home up for sale. This has turned into just over $1Million in sales within a week!! We already have a contract and have listed his home! Listening is believing, and trusting in yourself is the winning ticket. How do you alter time and space and open doorways like you do, Jimmy? All I can say is thank you FRIEND!" - K.D. / Virginia

"The morning I listened to the Transactional Space MP3 I felt really calm and at peace listening to and repeating out loud some of the affirmative statements. That afternoon, my husband and I had planned to go to the credit union to get a small loan for a project. We both were pleasantly surprised how fast and easy the process was! Now... fast forward to a couple of days later... my CC company notified me that they caught a fraudulent charge on my card and closed that account. They opened another for me... and before I could even get THAT card.... another fraud alert came through on my cell phone! Someone had charge over $900 of car parts to a car model we don't own. Wow... I didn't even get the new card yet. I called the CC company again and once again... they closed the account and immediately sent out a new CC that was overnighted to me, to sign for. Instead of thinking any victim type of thoughts... I immediately am sending out praises of thanks and gratitude for being protected!!! I truly feel that this new MP3 is a very valuable tool to add to your Ascension Kit! As we Expand and Ascend the upper Vibrations... we need all the help we can get! - T.W.S. / New York

"The content of this audio is astounding. What’s great about it is it attacks any blocks one has at a conscious and subconscious level from about every angle one can imagine. On a personal level it has brought one surprise to me already, but I believe it has more in store. I recently concluded a very imbalanced relationship in which I was the primary giver. I hadn’t spoken to my ex in almost 2 months and out of the blue he contact me and wanted to give me a surprise, some other items I had monetarily chipped in for, as well as offered to give me money for a shared item that we decided to let him keep. He said he wanted to simply give me what was rightfully mine. The transaction of our relationship improved. We aren’t getting back together, but a wrong or imbalance was balanced. And as I said, I believe this is the first gift of this download. The other great thing about this audio is you can listen to it several times, which I intend to do, to fully impress the content in my subconscious where the law of attraction is actually powered. Reinforcement trains your subconscious, repetition makes it believe and know that it is true. I highly recommend this audio and furthermore, I highly recommend Jimmy." (follow up email) "
I've already had my 2nd transaction success!!! I received a special forbearance from my student loan until January!" - C.C. / Chicago, IL

"Thank you to the one and only Jimmy Mack once again. His ability to help me to make the big shifts in my life is second to none, and when he begins to speak, things immediately begin to change. This financial MP3 has especially had a profound impact on my immediate cash flow, investments, and several pending business deals in my life. It's almost like when Jimmy interceded with Spirit on my behalf, that a metaphysical WD-40 is sprayed upon blockages, and all stumbling blocks, hindrances, or obstacles simply melt away into the ether. His wisdom and guidance bring forth the utmost grace and ease when it comes to shifting out the bad and downloading the good. I've recommended several friends, family, patients at my clinic, and even perfect strangers to him over the years, and they have all benefited tremendously from his work and his care. Real change and real results are available.... NOW! God Bless!" - J.A. / New Mexico

"Just wanted to let you know that the new Transactional Space audio is sensational! Both my business partners are doing it also and we are all experiencing great shifts! One of my partners had a new client AND tickets home for Thanksgiving given to her in the background while she was listening to the audio for the first time! The other business partner got three invitations to speaking events as she was just setting the time on her calendar to when to TRY the audio! o.O I feel great waves of shifting energy each time I listen and I feel as if the interviews I’ve done since listening are hitting the mark for the audiences in new ways. Thank you so much for being who you are and for doing what you are doing. Many thanks, Jimmy." - K.A. / California