[MOVING FORWARD] MyBeliefWorks™ for Moving Forward with Inspiration to Make Progress Every Day

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This one is nicknamed "The Good Good" and is all about the clearing of all traumas from the past, present and future having to do with not moving forward in life with inspiration and drive and releasing patterns that have kept you staying stuck, holding back, coming up short, failing to thrive, missing opportunities and becoming discouraged and giving up. Then strengthening you to believe, think, know and feel that you are deserving and worthy of having the rest of your life be the best of your life and making progress every day with ease.

This is a day to day piece downloading more positive attributes for you. If you've felt like you've been missing opportunities, or becoming discouraged or even giving up, this actually extracts those pieces out and downloads the best of the best pieces for you to move forward and the audio is divinely guided inspiration.

Includes 30 mins of audio with 100 clearings
1 MP3 audio and 1 PDF written transcript 

Instantly playable on any computer or mobile device!

Sample Clearings:

"Any areas where I was held back, and closed off to receiving, being deserving or worthy of the best life has to offer are hereby resolved, released and dissipated."

"Any and all lifetimes where I was involved in rules or regulations that kept me held down betrayed me and forced me to follow unrealistic rules and regulations are released off of me now."

"Any and all times where old bad habits resurfaced, causing me to be less than, and to backslide in a way that impeded my progress are released off me and replaced with motivation, action, drive and moving forward with steady progress now."

"During this and any lifetime where I have avoided and ignored my life’s purpose and went through the ground hog day of same old-same old, wasting time along the way, I replace those actions with production, drive and fortitude NOW."

"Any of life’s chaos, drama, mystery, intrigue and upsets that have blocked me, caused me to come up short, or make me feel less than - as well as betrayal, misery and shame that haunt me are cancelled, deleted and  pulled as I hear this now."

"I am open to receiving, deserving and worthy of deserving all the best life has to offer, as I hear this now."

 Here's What People Are Saying...

“This is a must have for your healing journey. This is one of the best if not the best healing I have experienced in audio. I felt my body sway back & forth, side to side and had goosebumps. I also felt a strong sense of release. Thank you Jimmy for all you do! With Love & Blessings." - Toni Greene / Wisconsin

"It’s so funny how things work because last night I actually was looking on YouTube for a meditation or hypnosis for releasing the past but I didn’t come across anything I liked. So when I woke up this morning and listened to this audio, I had a big smile. Midway through the audio I felt lighter and big shifts of energy releasing. Now that I’ve listened to it, I’m motivated to continue with my day and to finish up some projects I’ve been lagging on." - S. V. / California

"This is the most powerful MBW I've done (and I've done them all and seen changes from them all!)  After it ended I still felt like energy was shifting for about 10 mins after and I just had to stay still to let it settle.  In places it was like Jimmy had found my diary of the things that bugged me and was fishing them out - taking on other peoples stuff, all the times mind keeps replaying when I'd got it wrong, making small things mean more than they should - all that stuff and more I was aware of being shifted.  Also the fear of taking on other peoples stuff and the link he made to failures in past lives - that moved a BIG chunk of crud.  For healers this is really useful and I've no idea how you are going to top this one!" - A.W. / England

"I can't help but notice how timely and precise Jimmy's audio clearings are in accordance to my needs even when I don't know what it is that I need! He deconstructs deeply embedded beliefs in the human psyche and then sets free the energy that has been all tied up in those beliefs for heaven only knows how long. Such mastery! Listening to this one, I felt a lot of heat, heaviness and agitation. And then as though a weight was lifted from my chest and shoulders. The next day I received a "yes" from an editor I've wanted to work with on my current book project. It's the first yes in a long line of negative responses so I know I'm making a whole new level of progress now. Thank you!" - Magi Bowyer / Canada

"What an inspired tool for clearing all aspects of limiting thoughts.  Most of us are held back at one time or another with some variation of “I’m not good enough” thoughts.  This is a very powerful tool for clearing those thoughts and becoming unstuck.  I highly recommend this audio!" - P. T. / Florida

"Hi Jimmy, I purchased your ''move on with your life'' Mp3 - and I feel it has honestly helped me feel more positive.  And since I have tried every therapy in the book (including ThetaHealing) - I'm pretty surprised. I have increased my self-confidence and my marriage has improved." Jenny S. / Australia